b2b business storytelling tips

6 Business Storytelling Secrets I Swear By

This right here is my bread and butter, it’s how I help B2B clients tell their story, with a non-mushy tone, and within a proof-of-value context. 1- Pretend you are speaking to a single person If you’ve been following me on IG, you’ve probably heard me say this in every Q&A story session Here’s how […]

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social media hook template

5 Proven Social Media Hooks for B2Bs

Are you a small business owner with no time to create content? I feel you. I work in content creation and finding time to create content for my business is a hassle. But fear not! Here are 5 no-fuss hook templates that will work like magic! All you have to do is customize the message, […]

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sales tips small business owner

6 Easy Ways to Get More Sales Deals – Sales Series Compilation

If you follow our YouTube Channel or Instagram Profile, you’ve seen the series of sales videos I’ve done where I share very simple ways that can 10X your sales. Or at least, get you thinking about some great ideas to boost your profit. But for the sake of—my favorite people—the readers, here’s a written compilation […]

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B2B content business story

InTrends: Are today’s B2B clients more informed?

Read the original newsletter on Linkedin And we’re back! If you live in the MENA region, you probably know why you didn’t receive the last issue. If not, well, we all just got back from a long vacation and, as a result, things are a little bit hectic in offices around the region right now. […]

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B2B content marketing

InTrends: The will help you revamp your business

Read original issue on Linkedin Welcome to another issue of In Trends! If this is your first time here, then the whole idea of this newsletter is to save your time and offer you a summary of the latest marketing and growth hacks in one bi-weekly summary. In Trends is a lighter version of The […]

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B2B content business story

InTrends: Tell Your Business Story

Linkedin Newsletter, read the original issue   Welcome to our 2nd issue! With summer weekends just around the corner, I am going to keep this issue light and informative. If you’ve been following The Business Storyteller’s IG, I’ve been sharing free tools that can help you optimize your website. What I liked about these tools […]

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InTrends Newsletter for B2B content strategy

InTrends Newsletter Launch Issue

Linkedin Newsletter read original here Welcome to the first issue of InTrends! The whole idea of this newsletter is to save your time and offer you a summary of the latest marketing and growth hacks in one bi-weekly summary. This newsletter is a lighter version of The Business Storyteller’s Playbook newsletter, where we include a […]

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