B2B content template

4 Must Have Checklists for Effective B2B Content

Here’s a well-known secret most content marketers don’t share. Steering content toward specific results is like driving a car during a hurricane; too many variables that can change the outcome. When it comes to business-to-business (B2B) there is no neutral content. Each copy either builds or destroys, the difference is in the degree. For example, […]

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b2b content tips

My Secret Equation for Persuasive Copy

When it comes to business storytelling, I have a lot of tips and tricks. But here’s the rule that leads all of them: Your content has one purpose to highlight your business’ value and separate you from the heavy crowd. Other objectives are then mixed into the equation, such as fostering reliability and rapport; highlighting […]

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Evergreen content for B2B

Evergreen content: A B2B’s most stable ROI

Imagine this, you check the first blog post your business ever published and itā€™s still as relevant and sharable as if you wrote it today.Ā  This, my dear reader, is called evergreen content. Now imagine, you hired freelancersā€”or a full-time content teamā€”to create guides and posts that can be recycled endlessly. This means every $1 […]

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content marketing tips

Why content marketing isn’t working for you…and how to fix it

ā€œWe tried content marketing, butā€¦.ā€ This one is a favorite of mine! Many fall into this trap you invest time and effort in content that doesnā€™t get much traction.Ā  Content marketing isnā€™t something you do a couple of times and get results (for most at least), itā€™s something that you keep building on and then […]

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optimize content b2b

The Playbook: Here’s how to grow your traffic using your content

Originally shared with our clients on September 19th 2023. Subscribe here This one is all about increasing traffic to your website and up your content marketing game, with a special focus on SaaS companies.   How to Increase Traffic to your SaaS Website The first thing you should decide on is what numbers you should […]

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b2b business storytelling tips

6 Business Storytelling Secrets I Swear By

This right here is my bread and butter, it’s how I help B2B clients tell their story, with a non-mushy tone, and within a proof-of-value context. 1- Pretend you are speaking to a single person If you’ve been following me on IG, you’ve probably heard me say this in every Q&A story session Here’s how […]

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social media hook template

5 Proven Social Media Hooks for B2Bs

Are you a small business owner with no time to create content? I feel you. I work in content creation and finding time to create content for my business is a hassle. But fear not! Here are 5 no-fuss hook templates that will work like magic! All you have to do is customize the message, […]

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business content tips

4 hacks to upgrade your B2B content

1-Write in Present TenseĀ  Future: This will help you prove your market penetrationĀ  Present: This helps you prove your market penetration Notice the difference? Thereā€™s a hint of uncertainty with future tenses, it may happen in the future if we do XYZ, vs. hereā€™s whatā€™s happening right now as a result of working with us […]

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business content update services

5 Reasons Why You Must Update Your Corporate Website’s Content Yearly

Long title I know! But I feel that many business owners need this spelled out. There are so many exceptional businesses with content that’s been there for five years, untouched. The world is advancing too fast for you to ignore these small things. Put yourself in your potential client’s shoes.Ā  What is your automatic assumption […]

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AI content detector websites

Here’s how to check if your content is written by AI

I’ll keep this short and sweet. I’ve tested the below on 100% generated AI content and they all passed the test. That said, not all of them were able to detect content with minor alterations and almost all of them did not detect edited content. Even those that tell you the human intervention percentage. 1- […]

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