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business content update services

5 Reasons Why You Must Update Your Corporate Website’s Content Yearly

Long title I know! But I feel that many business owners need this spelled out. There are so many exceptional businesses with content that’s been there for five years, untouched. The world is advancing too fast for you to ignore these small things. Put yourself in your potential client’s shoes.  What is your automatic assumption […]

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AI content detector websites

Here’s how to check if your content is written by AI

I’ll keep this short and sweet. I’ve tested the below on 100% generated AI content and they all passed the test. That said, not all of them were able to detect content with minor alterations and almost all of them did not detect edited content. Even those that tell you the human intervention percentage. 1- […]

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Difference between strategy and plan

A strategy is not a plan: Here’s the difference

Most confuse business planning and strategic planning with strategy. Those are two entirely different things. What is Strategic Planning? It’s a set of activities that a given company plans on accomplishing. Increasing sales, expanding market share, improving customer experience, and so on. All that’s great, but these goals together won’t get you to a specific […]

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B2B content creation

InTrends: Content Creation for Business

Read the original newsletter on Linkedin   Did you know that the majority of subscribers to this newsletter are either SME owners or senior executives? This means that almost everyone who receives this newsletter has to wear many hats throughout their day. Gone are the days when you are only a financier or a researcher. […]

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B2B content business story

InTrends: Are today’s B2B clients more informed?

Read the original newsletter on Linkedin And we’re back! If you live in the MENA region, you probably know why you didn’t receive the last issue. If not, well, we all just got back from a long vacation and, as a result, things are a little bit hectic in offices around the region right now. […]

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